For you, Wonderful Mother!


“I struggle so deeply

to understand

how someone can

pour their entire soul

blood and energy

into someone

without wanting

anything in


I will have to wait till I’m a mother”

- Rupi Kaur

Motherhood is quite the journey isn’t it? I’ve been a mum for 14 years (almost) and it still surprises me. From the trauma of childbirth, the surprises of handling a new born, the changes in relationships, exhaustion, worry, sleeplessness, education, nutrition, tantrums, snap chat… there is never a dull moment!

Motherhood is a unique and different journey for everyone. It is not an easy journey and despite this, the times we live in now has made it even more difficult. With many ‘insta mums’ at our finger tips, constant comparisons, constant uncertainty and constant worry can add to the pressure. It’s unfair and unhealthy, taking us away from the full experience of our mothering journey.

The only way to stop and step away from the hamster wheel is to pause and pay attention. To allow reflection to be a part of our days. To challenge our mental chatter and declutter it. Without doing so, we won’t be able to be present to truly enjoy the whole journey we are on. Without doing so, unhealthy expectations will constantly enter our already worried mind.

Being a mother is also about the relationships it brings. The one of mother and child, the one of mother and mother. The partner, the friends, the community - as a mother, you start to connect with each differently. Your needs change. The quality of these relationships matter, even more now, as time becomes a limited resource.

But the quality of our relationships as a mother is only as good as the quality of the relationship we have with ourselves!

As another Mother’s Day came and went, I encourage you to apply some truly focused ‘mum time’ into your life. Focusing on your relationships with yourself will help you to:

-          Truly understand your journey thus far.

-          See your own growth through challenges.

-          Embrace the emotions.

-          Pause and relish the memories.

-          Plan your next steps.

-          Ease your mind.

-          Reset your expectations;

-          Let go of the unnecessary.

-          Heal.

-          Move forward proactively.

Just to name a few…

The new Wonderful Mother Program is designed to take a mum through this process with transformational coaching as a tool (and me as your coach!) I wanted to ensure that this process is focused and targeted to make the mothering aspect of your life the main focus for 3 powerful, private sessions. We will reflect, discover, reinvent and plan to help you walk away feeling empowered and inspired by your journey. We will ensure you are equipped with tools to reframe your future experience to that which will serve you well.

If you are interested in this unique program for yourself, feel free to reach out to me. This is also a fantastic gift for your special mum-friend or even your own mum!

Wishing you a wonderful year of mothering ahead!