Let's talk about our tracksuits!


It’s important that when we are looking at living our best lives, that we try to make simple changes first. It is very hard to make big shifts straight away and even worse, they are hard to sustain. Small consistent changes have the best impacts on our daily moods and offer the best progression towards our ultimate goals.

Have you traded your work attire and your kids uniforms to pyjamas? Are you in your tracksuit all day long? Are you also feeling demotivated and have you lost that creative spark you normally have? You’re not alone! We are living in some unusual times. When our mindsets are a little stuck, how can we utilise what we have to shift it back into a positive gear?

How can we use what we have already to help tweak our mindsets and behaviours to get us feeling productive, engaged, motivated and happy?

Below is a short conversation with Shanley King from Style Worthy. She is a personal style coach and works with both men and women. In this casual chat, we discuss the importance of mindset during these times and the impact it has on our style and our wardrobes, and vice versa. How we choose to represent ourselves through our wardrobe impacts our mood, our motivation, our energy and even our family members! So how can we use our wardrobes positively and to add value to our lives? How can we plan and organise our wardrobes to help us be productive and happy in our new living and working conditions?

Have a listen to her below! Hope it sparks some creativity for you and your family to get yourselves organised just in time for the week ahead!

ResilienceDimuthu Perera