Posts in Resilience
Wellbeing is the result of Compassion.

There is nothing more important in our lives than managing our wellbeing. The health of our bodies, mindsets and our emotions will directly impact the longevity, success and fulfilment we will experience in our lives. So, how should we approach managing our wellbeing? With compassion, of course!

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Too much of a good thing is...

“I don’t want to be too confident” says a 15 year old to me in our first session. He has started with me because his mum believes he has potential he is not reaching. “Too confident makes you arrogant”, he says. At 15 years old, friendships and being socially accepted is very important for him. He holds himself back in his behaviour, attitude and opinions in an effort to fit in. He doesn’t feel great about it either but he is stuck - how can he be himself and risk being left out? Does this resonate with you right now as an adult?

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Self Confidence is the missing piece of the puzzle.

Coaching, is a very common, if not a necessary service accessed by the elite, successful, experts and mentors in our world. These coaches help them grow their self-confidence and their emotional awareness so that they can consciously access resilience as they grow their lives – through their careers, passions, humanitarian work, creativity and connections.

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Let's talk about our tracksuits!

It’s important that when we are looking at living our best lives, that we try to make simple changes first. It is very hard to make big shifts straight away and even worse, they are hard to sustain.

Small consistent changes have the best impacts on our daily moods and offer the best progression towards our ultimate goals.

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ResilienceDimuthu Perera
3 steps to helping our children through difficult times

As human beings, we thrive on comfort and safety. At this time in our world, our regular processes for comfort and safety (such as our daily routines, our perceptions of health and our methods of relationships and connections) have changed. Drastically, without our control and without a warning. So have our children’s. They are also experiencing a massive disruption to their comforts and this is causing them levels of adversity too.

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