Posts tagged kids
Be careful what you wish for...

Creating deep intentions is an art that doesn’t take a lot of time to learn, especially if you’re young! We can help our children start early by inspiring them to set an intention for their day. Here’s an example of a simple morning routine you can handover to your little one to make it their own. You can check in with them when you tuck them in at night to see if they noticed the world conspiring

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Too much of a good thing is...

“I don’t want to be too confident” says a 15 year old to me in our first session. He has started with me because his mum believes he has potential he is not reaching. “Too confident makes you arrogant”, he says. At 15 years old, friendships and being socially accepted is very important for him. He holds himself back in his behaviour, attitude and opinions in an effort to fit in. He doesn’t feel great about it either but he is stuck - how can he be himself and risk being left out? Does this resonate with you right now as an adult?

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