Posts tagged wonderful me
Creating healthy routines

One of the things we work with our Wonderful Kids on in our programs is creating healthy routines. Healthy routines have a number of benefits for our body and mind.

One particular routine we discuss with our Wonderful Teens are healthy sleep routines. With their more active social lives, devices and the social platforms they manage plus the demands of their school work schedules, many teens can be overwhelmed and off balance in their minds and bodies! Many teens don’t get the sleep they need and are constantly wired from being online all night and stressed.

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“But how do I know if they need my help?

What a fantastic question asked on Tuesday evening by one of our Wonderful 10 year old’s!

At this age, we find many children want to be more helpful towards their friends and family. They are learning that by being helpful towards another, they can simply:

  1. Show their kindness,

2. Connect with another.

However, there are a few obstructions to being helpful

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Be careful what you wish for...

Creating deep intentions is an art that doesn’t take a lot of time to learn, especially if you’re young! We can help our children start early by inspiring them to set an intention for their day. Here’s an example of a simple morning routine you can handover to your little one to make it their own. You can check in with them when you tuck them in at night to see if they noticed the world conspiring

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The benefits of helping someone else.

Many children identify being helpful as one of their most loved and best qualities. They believe they are their best selves when they are helping their friends, teachers and families. Many of them have beautiful memories and stories attached to this quality, it makes them feel so good about themselves. They also love the positive feedback they tend to get when they are helpful.

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Self Confidence is the missing piece of the puzzle.

Coaching, is a very common, if not a necessary service accessed by the elite, successful, experts and mentors in our world. These coaches help them grow their self-confidence and their emotional awareness so that they can consciously access resilience as they grow their lives – through their careers, passions, humanitarian work, creativity and connections.

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