Creating healthy routines

One of the things we work with our Wonderful Kids on in our programs is creating healthy routines. Healthy routines have a number of benefits for our body and mind.

One particular routine we discuss with our Wonderful Teens are healthy sleep routines. With their more active social lives, devices and the social platforms they manage plus the demands of their school work schedules, many teens can be overwhelmed and off balance in their minds and bodies! Many teens don’t get the sleep they need and are constantly wired from being online all night and stressed.

When we have not had enough sleep, it impacts our wellbeing and health, but also our ability to make clear decisions. We are unable to navigate emotions and then create more problems than necessary.

Just like you did when they were toddlers, you can help your teens integrate a healthy and appropriate night time routine into their lives. Without your parental support, it is difficult for teens to maintain consistency as they are bombarded with the demands from their external environments. Remember, they are still very young and this is all very new to them!

Through our work with many families, we have seen the difference it makes for kids who’s parents are consistent with them in sustaining an evening routine. Of course they will push back some days, but they need you to support them and keep them on track until they build the awareness within to take it over themselves.

We have a free sample evening routine for you to edit as you please and discuss with your teen today. The template we have for you prompts you where to make tweaks and how to keep it relevant and personalised for each family member. Hope you enjoy the process and also the benefits you will soon see in your family once this becomes a routine! Enjoy!

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