Posts in Confidence
Wellbeing is the result of Compassion.

There is nothing more important in our lives than managing our wellbeing. The health of our bodies, mindsets and our emotions will directly impact the longevity, success and fulfilment we will experience in our lives. So, how should we approach managing our wellbeing? With compassion, of course!

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Creating healthy routines

One of the things we work with our Wonderful Kids on in our programs is creating healthy routines. Healthy routines have a number of benefits for our body and mind.

One particular routine we discuss with our Wonderful Teens are healthy sleep routines. With their more active social lives, devices and the social platforms they manage plus the demands of their school work schedules, many teens can be overwhelmed and off balance in their minds and bodies! Many teens don’t get the sleep they need and are constantly wired from being online all night and stressed.

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Too much of a good thing is...

“I don’t want to be too confident” says a 15 year old to me in our first session. He has started with me because his mum believes he has potential he is not reaching. “Too confident makes you arrogant”, he says. At 15 years old, friendships and being socially accepted is very important for him. He holds himself back in his behaviour, attitude and opinions in an effort to fit in. He doesn’t feel great about it either but he is stuck - how can he be himself and risk being left out? Does this resonate with you right now as an adult?

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Your child needs a Mentor

Traditional Mentor/Mentee relationships are most commonly found in the workplace or are related to our careers. However, having someone to look up to is important in childhood. Many children will identify fictional characters such as super heroes as their idols or mentors. This provides very little realistic value for them and can make the child feel extremely disempowered at the inability for them to see themselves in their hero.

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