Let your child be their own hero

“You should be the hero in your own story” - Chadwick Boseman

Here are some ways to empower our children to be their own heroes.

  1. Help them create a strong identity for themselves; they can’t lead themselves to their true potential if they don’t know who they are.

  2. Reinforce their identity to them with positive feedback; they need to see themselves through their own eyes.

  3. Encourage them to recognise, apologise and correct mistakes; this is resilience.

  4. Empower them to make their own decision and see through to its consequence; this is commitment.

  5. Teach them how to handle their emotions; this is self-confidence.

  6. Be an example of integrity.

  7. Give them access to other role models - parents must step aside, this cannot be you.

  8. Have regular conversations about world affairs, current events, tough emotions, different opinions - let everything be open for conversation at your family table. This is how you build trust.

  9. Show them acts of kindness, generosity and humanity that exists in the world, in abundance. Let them seek it, find it, enjoy it, live it.

  10. Relationships are important - show them how you care for your loved ones. Start by showing them how you care for yourself.

  11. Creativity is a quality they have access to right now - remind them of that and give them the opportunity to express it and experience it, regularly

  12. Do they know the process for asking for help? Do you? Learn it, teach it, practise it, make it a habit.

  13. Commend them for completing a task through to its end.

  14. Hurdles are necessary in life - help them to recognise them and to take them head on.

  15. Be your own hero, so you can empower them to be theirs.