Posts in Mindfulness
Wellbeing is the result of Compassion.

There is nothing more important in our lives than managing our wellbeing. The health of our bodies, mindsets and our emotions will directly impact the longevity, success and fulfilment we will experience in our lives. So, how should we approach managing our wellbeing? With compassion, of course!

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A New Years Resolution for your entire family

Happy New Year! I wish you the most fabulous, wonderful and positive year to come!

This is the time that so many of us develop our New Years Resolutions. I personally avoid setting goals at this time, for myself or with my children, so that they are not driven by that “holiday mindset”. The “holiday mindset” refers to the level of consideration put into goal setting, which can be broadly described as:unrealistic

  • non-committed

  • over-indulgent

  • focused on short-term gain

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Self Confidence is the missing piece of the puzzle.

Coaching, is a very common, if not a necessary service accessed by the elite, successful, experts and mentors in our world. These coaches help them grow their self-confidence and their emotional awareness so that they can consciously access resilience as they grow their lives – through their careers, passions, humanitarian work, creativity and connections.

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