Posts in Kindness
“But how do I know if they need my help?

What a fantastic question asked on Tuesday evening by one of our Wonderful 10 year old’s!

At this age, we find many children want to be more helpful towards their friends and family. They are learning that by being helpful towards another, they can simply:

  1. Show their kindness,

2. Connect with another.

However, there are a few obstructions to being helpful

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‘Tis the Season of Giving

I don’t know about you, but I love this time of the year for the generous spirit it elicits. Many families are inspired by the spirit of this season to look beyond their every day life to help those who are needing some extra assistance. But when it comes to our children and the topic of ‘generosity’, we are learning at Wonderful Me, that they are confused. They are uncertain how to be generous when they don’t have the money or the ability to buy things or volunteer their time without parental assistance. So many kids say to us “I believe I’m generous, but I don’t have that much to give!”.

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The benefits of helping someone else.

Many children identify being helpful as one of their most loved and best qualities. They believe they are their best selves when they are helping their friends, teachers and families. Many of them have beautiful memories and stories attached to this quality, it makes them feel so good about themselves. They also love the positive feedback they tend to get when they are helpful.

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3 steps to helping our children through difficult times

As human beings, we thrive on comfort and safety. At this time in our world, our regular processes for comfort and safety (such as our daily routines, our perceptions of health and our methods of relationships and connections) have changed. Drastically, without our control and without a warning. So have our children’s. They are also experiencing a massive disruption to their comforts and this is causing them levels of adversity too.

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